About Your
Favorite Grief Coach
Hi! I’m Marcia, Grief Coach of BleuAnthony’s, author of God Over Grief Prayer Journal, and mother of 3
beautiful girls. In a year’s span, I have experienced several close deaths. My father being the one death
which motivated me to shift my focus on Grief Coaching. I received a phone call that my father had been
in a fatal accident. As a daddy’s girl, I was crushed, and the pain was unbearable. I felt angry, lost, alone
and felt like giving up on life…But God! He revealed to me I had a purpose. I received my life coaching
certification through CTEDU, studied grief modules from from a Master Grief Coach, niched to grief coaching and obtained several grief certifications over a period of time. I applied the information to my life and slowly realized, I can be angry, I just can’t stay in an angry place. I am not lost, I found my purpose (helping you!) and most of all, I am never alone, God has been here every step of
the way! You too are not alone! There is light at the end of every tunnel. Prayer, meditation, and faith
were and are my current strategies to rebuilding from grief.
"Pain is Inevitable, Suffering is Optional"