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"Rebuild What Grief Tore Down"

Your Favorite Grief Coach,

Marcia Mack

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Welcome To BleuAnthony’s

Grief is the most powerful emotion of them all. In a perfect world, most of us are taught to put a “brave
mask” over grief, but not how to process it. As your Favorite Grief Coach, I will help you reconnect with
the best parts of the old you (before the loss). We will work as a team to face the challenges of
rebuilding your life and overcome the difficulties of depression, anger, guilt, and pain. The goal as your
Favorite Grief Coach is to always push you to look ahead and moving forward. With support and a plan,
YOU can thrive in life again, not just function! You do NOT have to do this alone! Through PRAYER, SCRIPTURE, MEDITATION, and proper coping techniques, we can rebuild from grief... the God way!


What Is A Grief Coach?

A grief professional who works together with clients to continue the process of rebuilding and growth
after a loss. A Grief Coach does not “fix” what has happened but instead guides the clients to find ways
to adjust and rebuild aspects of their lives. (Grief is not limited to the loss of a loved one. Other examples: divorce, loss of a job, etc.)
Think of it as “A SHOULDER TO LEAN ON”





Beautiful Sunset

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